All of our writers have travelled solo at least once in their life, and we’re all female! We have so many tips and ideas to share with you about travelling solo, whether you’re a seasoned pro or travelling alone for the first time.
Keep up to date with our latest articles on solo travel here:
- The Best & Safest Destinations for Female Solo TravellersIf you like to travel solo, chances are personal safety is high on your priority list… here are the best and safest destinations for female solo travellers.
- Solo Travel: Is it Safe to Travel Alone in Costa Rica?Before you go on any trip, there is one question you’re going to ask yourself: is it safe to travel alone there? Find out if Costa Rica is safe to travel solo.
- Why You Should Go TravellingWant to go travelling, but not sure where to start? Here are Laura’s top reasons for why you should go travelling & how to let go whatever’s holding you back.
- Top Tips for Moving Abroad for the First TimeThis week, I’m talking about the first time I moved abroad, how I prepared, and giving you my top tips for getting ready for a big life event.
- Solo Travel Safety TipsIsabella gives you her solo travel safety tips. They apply to anyone, but especially to women and minority groups who want to stay safe while travelling solo.
- How to Plan a Solo Trip to EdinburghAnna shares her experience planning a solo trip to Edinburgh, talking about travel options, accommodation, managing solitude, and places to go in Edinburgh.
- Top 10 Tips for Nervous FlyersScared of flying? Laura, talks about her fear of flying and how she’s coped with it over many years of travel! Read on for Laura’s top tips for nervous flyers.