Kinkakuji (Golden Pavilion), Kyoto, Japan

Why You Should Go Travelling

Want to go travelling, but not sure where to start? If something holding you back, it’s about time you let it go! Here are Laura’s top reasons for why you should go travelling.

Exploring the World 

Earth is a big ol’ place, and it is also incredibly beautiful! And the best thing is… it’s for everyone. Just because you were born in one country, it doesn’t mean you have to spend your whole life there. Travel is so accessible now so the world is your oyster! 

For me, my main passion is travel. If there is one thing that I would like to achieve within my lifetime, it is to explore the beautiful Earth that we were put on.

Kinkakuji (Golden Pavilion), Kyoto, Japan
Kinkakuji (Golden Pavilion), Kyoto, Japan

Although travel CAN be expensive, it doesn’t have to be. Even if it’s just hopping on a bus and travelling to that seaside town that you have always wanted to visit or catching a ferry for an overnight stay in a different country – don’t confine yourself to that little corner of the Earth that you were brought up in – it will always be there when you return!

Lantern festival in South Korea
Festival in South Korea 

Learning About Different Cultures 

One of the greatest parts of travelling is that you get to discover new cultures… and that doesn’t just mean getting a Chinese takeaway on a Friday night (although I do also recommend it). 

You can witness first hand how other people live, learn about their language and traditions and develop a global outlook which is crucial in today’s interconnected world. 

When you live in your bubble, it’s hard to conceive that other people have such different lives and outlooks. Just think about how different it is living in the city, compared to living in the country. Now imagine comparing living in New York to living in India. 

But how can you truly understand unless you see it? 

Travelling is like having a backstage pass to different cultures that can open your mind, help you to develop new perspectives and educate you on different cultures, religions and traditions.

Read more from Lauz Explores: A Guide to Teaching Abroad in South Korea


They say that the best way to learn a new language is to be immersed in it. What better way to do that than to visit a country and surround yourself with people speaking the language. Learning a new language can help you to learn new methods of communication and open up the possibility of engaging with new people that you elsewise never would have. 

It can also help to improve your grammar skills, not only in a new language but also your own first language. 


With our ever-increasing multicultural society, you may already have access to different cuisines where you live, but there really is something special about trying local cuisine in the place where it was first invented! Imagine sipping wine and eating pizza in Naples, eating tacos in Mexico City or sushi in Japan.

Laura holding out a trdelnik dessert in Prague
Eating Trdelnik in Prague

It’s Fun! 

Why do most people want to travel? Because it’s fun! Most of the time, you are travelling so that you get to see and experience things that you would never get to see back home, such as exploring the bright lights of Tokyo or the safari animals in the Serengeti.

Busy street at night in Osaka, Japan
Osaka, Japan

Most people have a ‘bucket list’ or at least a dream destination that they would like to visit at least once in their life and as Lewis Carroll once said, ‘In the end… we only regret the chances we didn’t take, and the decisions we waited too long to make.’.

Read more from Lauz Explores: How to Plan a Road Trip around Montenegro

You Learn to Appreciate Your Own Country 

It may sound a little backwards, but travelling can actually make you miss home and realise things about your own country that you took for granted or never realised you would miss. I’m definitely guilty of thinking or telling people, ‘England is boring.’. Or, at least, I have done in the past. 

Have you ever had that feeling when you go on holiday for a week and you think ‘Ah, I can’t wait to get back home’? Maybe you are visiting a hot country and start to miss that cool breeze or you visit a bustling city and start to appreciate the quiet and stillness of the beach near your house. And that’s great! Sometimes, you can be so spoiled by something that you don’t see it’s worth because it’s always there. 

I remember living in Korea and registering that most of my friends (from different countries) had never heard of or tried beans on toast… BEANS ON TOAST – a childhood staple in the UK and suddenly, I was craving all my favourite foods from back home. Another time, at karaoke, I was flabbergasted when no one had heard of Westlife – the world’s greatest boy band of the century (at least, in my eyes).

When I returned to the UK after spending over a year in a foreign country, the first things that I wanted were Yorkshire puddings and gravy and a walk on the beach in my hometown! 

And don’t get me wrong, this isn’t to say that England or any other country is better – it’s about learning that everywhere is different and has its own uniqueness. 

Are you thinking of travelling? Where would you like to visit? And what is your main inspiration for travel? Share below in the comments. 

1 thought on “Why You Should Go Travelling”

  1. Great article. Travel definitely broadens your horizons and yes, even if you stay in the UK. My first trip was a travel pass round Scotland on buses, boats, trains and even the postie van that doubled as the local bus service. I was eighteen and we stayed in youth hostels. It felt like freedom. Haven’t stopped travelling since. It’s just a joyous experiencing different places and cultures. West Coast of Scotland, Svalbard and the National Parks of the South West of the States are my favourites.

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