A pumpkin pie as part of a vegetarian roast dinner recipe

Easy Vegetarian Sunday Dinner Recipe Ideas

If you’re looking to add a meatless twist to your traditional Sunday dinner, you’re in for a treat. We’ve put together our top tips for making a vegetarian British Sunday Roast. 

Whether you want to skip the meat replacement altogether or explore inventive vegetarian dinner recipes, there are plenty of delicious options you can use to take your vegetarian or vegan Sunday roast to the next level. In this article, we’ll guide you through some easy and flavourful recipes that will make your vegetarian Sunday so good, you won’t notice the meat is missing!

Protein-Packed Vegetarian Sunday Roast Side Dishes

One of the easiest ways to create a satisfying vegetarian Sunday dinner is by focusing on the side dishes. In our opinion, the sides are the best part of a Sunday roast anyway (what would a Sunday dinner be without stuffing and yorkshire puds?!).  

Get inventive and add black beans to your stuffing or toss a few pine nuts into your veggies. Increasing the portion size of these sides will really fill up your plate, and thanks to their diversity will make sure you get a well-balanced meal with very little additional effort.

You don’t always need to incorporate a replacement for your roast meat; the great thing about a Sunday lunch is that it’s made up of so many components you can get everything you need for a vegetarian diet by sizing-up on the side dishes.

Read an opinion piece from our food columnist: Is British Food Really All That Bad?

Meat Replacements for a Veggie Sunday Roast

If you do want to replace the meat in your Sunday dinner, there are plenty of innovative vegetarian recipes you can use to replace the traditional Sunday roast. Here are our favourite suggestions for meatless recipes:

Toad in the Hole

A rustic frying pan with sausages in british toad in the hole

A classic British dish made vegetarian by substituting sausages with flavorful veggie alternatives. This dish is a great way to enjoy the essence of a traditional meal without the meat. This is also a great option if you’re looking for classic British comfort food without putting tonnes of effort into the whole roast. Toad in the Hole is basically made up of sausages (or veggie sausages) and Yorkshire puddings, but fear not, we promise it’s not as dull as it sounds!

Lancashire Hotpot

A large pot of british lancashire hotpot

A hearty and comforting dish that replaces meat with a medley of vegetables. This special occasion recipe is perfect for family gatherings. The best part is that you can make it all in one-pot, so this dish is for you if you’re not a fan of washing up.

Nut Roasts

A plate of veggie sunday roast with a nut roast vegetarian replacement

A savoury and satisfying dish, nut roasts provide a delicious alternative to meat. Packed with flavour and nutrients, it’s a must-try for those seeking a meatless Sunday dinner. Nut roast is an oldie but goldie, and because of its versatility you can adapt any recipe to make sure you’re pleasing the whole family. There are so many easy vegetarian recipes for a classic nut roast that you’re sure to find one that suits your needs.

Sweet Potato Roast

a bowl of roast sweet potatoes

A Sweet Potato Roast stands out as a flavourful and visually stunning centrepiece of any vegetarian roast dinner. This innovative take on the traditional roast replaces meat with naturally sweet potatoes and, often, the addition of lentils or feta cheese. Trust us when we say this one delivers! Take it the extra mile by adding fresh herbs, or use nutritional yeast to add the cheesy flavour to a vegan version of this dish.

Cauliflower Cheese

A bowl of british cauliflower cheese

A comforting and cheesy option that celebrates the versatility of cauliflower. This dish is a crowd-pleaser, making it a great choice for a vegetarian Sunday dinner. Technically, it is a side, but with the amount of protein you can pack into the sauce along with the health benefits of cauliflower, it’s sure to please as a meat replacement.

Roasted Chickpea Salad

a bowl of chickpea salad with bread and an apple to one side

For a lighter option, consider a roasted chickpea salad. Packed with protein and flavour, this dish is perfect for those looking for a refreshing twist to their Sunday dinner. And a bunch of chopped fresh herbs and a squeeze of lemon juice for the perfect fresh meal, best served on a hot day (maybe save this one for the summer..!)

More vegetarian recipes from Zsofi’s Kitchen: My Hungarian Vegetarian Recipes, Straight from Budapest

Tips for a Perfect Veggie Sunday Dinner

Creating a memorable and perfect vegetarian Sunday dinner involves a combination of techniques, flavours, and a touch of creativity. Whether you’re preparing nut roasts, a sweet potato roast, or whipping up some delectable sauces and sides, the following tips will guide you towards culinary excellence.

Get a Food Processor / Handheld Blender

Many vegetarian alternatives, such as nut roasts and sweet potato roasts, benefit greatly from the use of a food processor or handheld blender. These kitchen tools will not only save you a heap of time, but will also ensure a consistent and well-blended mixture. A food processor is especially handy for achieving the perfect texture for nut roasts, blending nuts, herbs, and other ingredients seamlessly.

Using Herbs and Spices

Getting the blend of herbs and spices right can transform a simple dish into a culinary masterpiece. For example, when preparing a sweet potato roast, consider using rosemary-infused oil or use fresh rosemary, thyme, or (my favourite) a hint of smoked paprika. The possibilities are endless, and you can adjust it to your personal taste, or even just whatever you fancy that day.

Healthier Alternatives

If you’re looking at vegetarian options as a healthier alternative to the traditional Sunday roast, consider alternative cooking methods like the instant pot or air fryer. These modern kitchen appliances offer quick and easy preparation while using less oil and butter compared to traditional methods. An instant pot can make anything taste better in a fraction of the time, or on the low-cooking setting you can switch it on in the morning and forget about it until it’s time to eat. An air fryer, on the other hand, gets a crispy finish without excessive oil, improving the texture of your dishes without sacrificing on calorie count!

Innovative Accompaniments

Traditional Brits, look away now! Experimenting with your condiments can sound strange, but when you’re cooking veggie all bets are off. Tangy sour cream goes really well with a chickpea salad or even nut roast. The same goes for lemony salad-dressings, that go really well with most of the dishes mentioned above (although maybe skip it for toad in the hole!)

The Best Bite: Leftovers 

Sometimes, the best thing about a Sunday dinner is the leftovers the next day. Anything you make can be repurposed and re-imagined into an even more hearty and exciting meal for meatless Monday or a quick dinner throughout the week.

Embracing the idea of consuming less meat for a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle is becoming more and more popular. Vegetarian meals can be just as fulfilling and delicious, as well as better for you and better for the planet.

Vegetarian Sunday dinners can be a delightful experience, offering a variety of flavours and textures that rival their meat counterparts.

Experiment with these delicious recipes and make your traditional Sunday roast memorable, delicious, and most of all, satisfying. Whether you’re preparing something for a special occasion or simply enjoying a comforting dinner tonight, these vegetarian options are sure to become a favourite at your table. Happy cooking!

2 thoughts on “Easy Vegetarian Sunday Dinner Recipe Ideas”

  1. I love this as I have been trying to think about what to do for a nice Sunday dinner that is vegetarian for me and then meat-based for my husband. We could share a few things but I need something to make the meal extra special. I love these ideas!

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